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CONTAINS SPOILERSLeft me wanting more

Tanz October 30, 2020 4:32 am

Story was very rushed but had a lot of potential. Upset that they left so many open holes, great plot though, I liked how we all thought there was just one nohr but there was actually two and they were brothers, once they said “omg two??” I was like OMG ITS THE GUY AH YES HES THE OTHER ONE!! I usually figure plot twists out pretty quickly, so I was excited that this surprised me. Very well done with the twist. However, at the end I thought that they would at least show them living their new lives, and I thought maybe his brother would be reincarnated as their child, that would have been really cool and another plot twist. Maybe the authors just wanted to end the story, but they could continue it since there’s so much plot. Kind of hope one day they come back to it and remake it, making it longer and not as rushed. I felt like the fighting scene/climax wasn’t even a climax, I was surprised they reached to him so fast without things happening along the way. Usually you see more character development through the journey, not the destination. I also think the romance was very rushed and I wish that they had more character development and went at a slower but more passionate pace.
