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Luanaluna543 October 30, 2020 3:57 am

Can someone who knows what’s happening at the end answer my question?
Wie tf does she end up with the blue haired boy?! Like he treated her like sh*t (without a fu*king reason), killed her baby, her father and in the end he killed her. What’s wrong with her that she wants to be together with him even if he did all of that?

    Brazen October 30, 2020 5:05 am

    Well basically she acknowledges the fact that the past ruve is drastically different from the present one, just like how she is currently different from her past life as well. There are too many different events that happen in this life that did not occur in the past one. She knows she can't blame the current ruve for what happened in the other lifetime because he simply had nothing to do with it.

    Brazen October 30, 2020 5:08 am

    I like to think of it as like parallel universes. Like in one universe he is that bastard that we all hate, but in another he is the upgrade. Similar but different simply because they are not one and the same. Literally just similar. They both exist, just in different worlds.

    bunnybubbz October 30, 2020 7:31 am
    I like to think of it as like parallel universes. Like in one universe he is that bastard that we all hate, but in another he is the upgrade. Similar but different simply because they are not one and the same. ... Brazen

    this is a very reasonable take because if it were me in her place, i would’ve assassin’s creed blue dude’s ass. i swear.

    Luanaluna543 October 30, 2020 11:49 am
    I like to think of it as like parallel universes. Like in one universe he is that bastard that we all hate, but in another he is the upgrade. Similar but different simply because they are not one and the same. ... Brazen

    I understand it better now thank you.