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RATE: 6.3 (First part: 7.5/Second part: 6/Third part:5.5)

sophie_A October 29, 2020 4:55 am

I want to do a review, but my english is very bad, sorry. About the story: I don't know. The art is very well done, so I give it points for that. But, it was a big drop in quality from the first part to the last two. The mother story was interesting, raw but realistic and sweet. It also give room to breathe and has a good peace. The second part feels kinda unnecesary, with all the characters who don't have much purpose. The two friends don't have much agency, and I feel they only exist to show how good the main character is. The third part was pretty much rushed, wanting to show the lost sister soquick and also getting rid of the brother in such a way, like he wasn't important, even though he was present since the beggining.

Also, is kinda weird how the author want to propose this idea of pure love. There is no justice in this manhwa. The point is so fixated that, the story kinda stops being believable. The rapist has a epiphany and basically kills himself (yeah, I know he give the weapon to the sister, but you get the point), his wife tries to kill a person but is also forgived. Worst of all, they hold hands in the dream and everyone is happy. I get the point that the author is trying to make, but, c'mon.

Finally, what I liked in the first part was how direct it was. Woman has a tragedy and has to learn to live/love again, deal with the problems and be happy. Discovers love and has a family again after losing one. And she made it. Every chapter, she have a new insecurity but also a new way to deal with her problems. It was very cool. However, the second and third part was basically tragedies after tragedies: girl lost, father dead, deaf sister, rape, abduction, child abuse, almost-incest, and the list keep going. There is not room to breath. It was basically yelling "This is Misery porn, look how sad all this is, that means is more realistic". I could swear that there is almost not chapter in the last two part where a tragedy or a problem is happening. And the worst part is that there is not resolution. In the first part there is clearly a begining, middle and end. But, here, everything is unresolved for the characters. The father dies without find her daughter, brother leaves and return at the end because he realize what he did was wrong, everything in less than a chapter. The rapist dies and her wife almost kill someone, but is alright, they are forgived. The lost sister never gets real justice, not her father. The two friends apear at the end just because.

I think the author is very talented, but he should plan better his stories. Also, I think because the chapters were so short, there was little room to breathe after every tragedy. I hope seing him in a bigger book, where he can plan better and have a better peace. And also, he needs to understand that not every tragedy in the world is going to happen to only one person and her relatives. When you show so many sad things in a prolonged amount of chapters, the happy ending feels forced. Is worst when this happy ending is less than 10 panels short. Overall, I think the first part works as a standalone work, even better than all the manhwa. That is only my opinion, though.
