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I'm sad about what Ishigami said (with the any girl would be better than Iino) but looking...

Anonymous October 28, 2020 11:24 pm

I'm sad about what Ishigami said (with the any girl would be better than Iino) but looking from his pov, he has no idea that she likes him in the first place. Since their relationship started as hate-hate and with Iino's former rude treatment of him, he wouldn't expect that Iino would grow to like him at all.

I'll place my bets that later on, someone would insult Iino about her attitude and strict personality, and Ishigami would defend her. But it's just my speculation so...

Anyway, as much as I wanted them to be together as soon as possible, Ishigami couldn't forget Tsubame-senpai's rejection that easily and Iino will have to wait for him to admit her feelings since I'm 100% sure that Ishigami wouldn't discover that she likes her all by himself. Iino should confess to him if she wanted to have a chance.
