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I wont give up <3

imiteishia May 12, 2015 3:07 am

Looking for this twisted yaoi manga i read a few months ago. The story is about this corrupt/twisted cop (Seme) he uses this juvenile criminal he caught to have sex with him whenever he wants. It wasn't really love since the seme would often force the uke to have sex and just basically mistreat him. One day the seme decides to end the relationship he had with the uke since he had no desire to keep him (Pretty much the uke was like a sex toy) so before he walks out the door the uke finally gets revenge.. Well in his case a sick twisted type of love he felt for the seme after years of being used he hits him over the head with a bat (Or something along the lines and knocks the seme unconscious) The uke literary hurts him and is now keeping him on his bed in order for the cop not to escape anymore. I might have some details a bit off since i haven't read this in a while. But if anyone is able to find this ill be thankful <3
Also, the seme had no desire to continue with the uke after he was fired from the police force because his superiors found out that he was corrupt.
The relationship with the uke began when the uke was in High School and lasted for many years. Also the seme acted nice in front of the uke when they first met. The uke at first was thankful until(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ he found out that the seme was a real ass. So in other words a sadistic asshole in disguise and only the uke knows his true color. <3 <3 <3

    himeko7 May 12, 2015 6:26 am

    Do you remember the art (or what they looked like, cover of the manga, etc)? It sounds interesting, and I'd like to find and read it too. (but it will be harder to find if it's a group of oneshots... @_@)

    j May 12, 2015 8:43 am

    Was it 4th chapter of Konna Otoko ni Dare ga Shita? This is only one I could think of...

    j May 12, 2015 8:57 am
    Was it 4th chapter of Konna Otoko ni Dare ga Shita? This is only one I could think of... @j

    Sorry. I just noticed you already answered my question. I wasn't trying to be annoying. My apologies.

    imiteishia May 12, 2015 1:20 pm
    Do you remember the art (or what they looked like, cover of the manga, etc)? It sounds interesting, and I'd like to find and read it too. (but it will be harder to find if it's a group of oneshots... @_@) himeko7

    Actually i found the manga i was looking for, the details might be a bit off from it since i haven't read it in a long time :3 But if you are still interested in reading this than this is the link for it ( . BTW, thank you for trying to help me.... <3

    himeko7 May 12, 2015 4:34 pm

    Thanks for sharing! ^u^ (when I was serching, I actually came across this manga. but I didn't look at it all properly, sorry. -_-')