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Help for Viet/Eng translation (manga), pls! TAT

Lostris92 October 25, 2020 12:37 pm

Hello there!
I want to warn everyone that the manga that I'd like to come for a translation is shoujo/gender bender genre so if you're not interested or it doesn't suit your taste, don't keep reading ^^
So Yesterday I started reading this manga ( ) and was really interested in how the story would have developed. To be honest, at the start I hated the ML so I had not so much hope in it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
But out of curiosity I searched for the raws and surprisingly I REALLY liked it. To the point that I'm writing this request for help ^^'
Well, the reason I'd like to go and proceed by myself is that the scanslation group is not active from April, I checked their site, and I am afraid that this will not be released anymore nor taken by other teams.
Sincerely I don't have the time to check on other teams that can take this project, this is why I'd like to go for the release by myself.(And of course, if the team that worked on it or another site will reclaim it, I'll remove the chapters)
But unluckily the raws I found are in vietnam language so I can't read it at all. These are the raws ( So I'd like some help from someone who can understand the language and provide a good translation in English so that I can take care of the rest and release the other chapters (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Please, I'd really like someone to help me, or if some scanslation group is reading this message, please could you just pick this project up? This is a blessing for a shoujo/BL lover as me, so.... Thank you for reading and thanks to anyone who could help me in any way!

    Lostris92 October 25, 2020 1:44 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Winwonn7

    Thank you, I really hope so... It's so frustrating knowing what it happens (thanks to the raws) but not knowing what they're saying.
    And, yeah it's really good! I mean, the final chapters really surprised me and I loved how the author ended it. But I can only judge what happens from the images... That's why I actually want to know what is actually happening between the characters ~