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Ya'll gonna hate me for this

I'm_new_to_manga October 24, 2020 11:08 pm

If you think about it, the brown haired guy is actually the victim. He stayed with him since they were children, then he just gets replaced.....I feel sympathy for him but I don't like him

    AidusPokus October 24, 2020 11:15 pm

    well.. one sided love sucks yet you can't force somebody to like you back. And staying at his side was his own choice, he could have moved along yet he tortured himself so I get your point but I am not sorry for him

    ali October 24, 2020 11:26 pm

    i wouldn't exactly say "victim" is the right word choice lol, but i get what you're saying. jihwa and seungho probably had similar experiences due to their "disease" being caught at a young age, which in turn made jihwa grow overly dependent on seungho as they aged. before all this with nakyum and the orgies seungho participates in and whatever, they only had each other. so jihwa always felt like seungho would prefer him over anybody else. but too much pride and cowardice caused him to watch the man he loved slip away and love somebody else instead.

    (should he have listened to min about organizing an assassination though? no, definitely not. but it doesn't really seem like he'll go through with that plan either imo. he's easily manipulated and is even considered the laughing stock of the nobles.

    i personally like jihwa, bc as a character, he interests me.)

    ali October 25, 2020 12:43 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! moo loo

    yeah i said that in the first sentence haha