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I hate when authers are like" when they did have a long termed relationship and deeply lov...

Laknzhziakmznz October 23, 2020 10:03 am

I hate when authers are like" when they did have a long termed relationship and deeply loved eachothet but he was StRaGht

    katielikesmanga October 24, 2020 8:47 pm

    no one loved anyone. its an abusive relationship, yoonbum was only alive bc yoon bum reminded him of his rapist mother.

    Laknzhziakmznz October 25, 2020 11:34 am

    Im my opnion is kinda hard to define what love is, of course im not saying that they were health, both of them were extremely mentaly ill and psycos but they did care for eachother in their messed way wich in my opnion counts as love even if its toxic, thats just me tho

    Laknzhziakmznz October 25, 2020 11:39 am

    Also if u forget the emotional stuff and focus only in the sexual expect of of, coming out here and telling me to my face that this man is straight while he is willingly fucking ass and sucking dick is just bogus

    Natsumi_ October 25, 2020 11:43 am
    no one loved anyone. its an abusive relationship, yoonbum was only alive bc yoon bum reminded him of his rapist mother. katielikesmanga

    Actually Bum looking like his mother it's the reason he spared him at first, out of curiosity, the reason why Bum is kept alive it's because he is male. Btw Koogi herself confirmed Sangwoo loved Bum so OP is not wrong

    HappyPsycho October 27, 2020 2:45 am

    I mean he’s attracted to big tits and wet vagina and the only hot he’s fucked was bum, who had a small ass dick, so maybe it was easier for sangwoo to imagine bum as a small tit big ass clit girl. (I have no idea what I just wrote)

    Laknzhziakmznz November 27, 2020 11:00 pm
    I mean he’s attracted to big tits and wet vagina and the only hot he’s fucked was bum, who had a small ass dick, so maybe it was easier for sangwoo to imagine bum as a small tit big ass clit girl. (I have n... HappyPsycho

    Or he could just be bi???