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plinky25 October 23, 2020 5:40 am

About the whole: “he should quit his job!” thing. If it were a while ago, I would have agreed because before I naturally thought a person should only be allowed to sleep with their partner. But then I’ve been introduced to harem stories and an actual real life story about a Japanese couple in a similar situation.

I can’t remember clearly but it was a video on YouTube where a woman was interviewed (I think she was writer I forgot, but she seemed to be well known) about marrying a male pornstar. I clicked on the video thinking it’s kinda crazy cause usually people wouldn’t normally think marrying a pornstar is a good thing. But as she spoke, she seemed very wise and understanding. She had plenty of good points that really changed my way of thinking. Though I personally don’t think I could be comfortable with being with a porn actor but the thought of it doesn’t seem as crazy anymore to me.

Here is what she had said:
Pornstars are regular people too who do it for work. There will be plenty of times where they just don’t want to have sex some days, feel under the weather on working days, or don’t even want to do it with the person they are scheduled to work with- but they have to no matter what as it’s their job. Similar to how a regular actor’s job is: actors have to kiss and act out love scenes with other people. But partners of actors/actresses know it’s only for their job and it would only be a problem if they did that with people outside of work. She said: “your wife goes to the doctor to look at her boobs for her health checkups, that’s fine. However it’s not fine if she let some random stranger look at her boobs outside of the doctors office.” She also knew at the very beginning that he was a pornstar. She said she had cried a lot and couldn’t get over it for two years but then she was able to overcome it. They’re happy now and have a baby btw
Anyways you can’t expect the ML to quit his job. He’s been doing the job much longer than he’s even known the FL. He’s not working as a pornstar for fun, it might be that it’s all he knows how to do, and it looks like he’s been influenced by that tutor he had when he was young. Like imagine if he asked the FL to quit her job just cause he’s jealous of the people she works around? Sounds dumb. I think those who believes that their partner should quit their job just for themselves to be happy, has too many insecurities to be dating that person in the first place.

    plinky25 October 23, 2020 5:41 am

    The link to the video: