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I understand what tamaki is going through... My father (not biological) has been acting st...

Ryuzaki03 October 20, 2020 8:03 pm

I understand what tamaki is going through... My father (not biological) has been acting strange around me from last year and sometimes I think if my brother is not with me he'll do something to me i get scared to be alone with him...but i cant say it to anyone cause i feel disgusting..and nauseous

    fluffy October 20, 2020 8:22 pm

    Seriously praying for you. Sometimes out gut feelings are right. It sucks that I have to tell you to be careful. If he ever tries anything on you find someone who you trust to report him. I genuinely hope you stay safe.

    Kat_05 October 20, 2020 8:22 pm

    I’m so sorry, please say something to anyone! You shouldn’t have to feel bad about this

    Nightingale October 20, 2020 8:51 pm

    I also think you should tell someone about this before something serious happens

    Ryuzaki03 October 20, 2020 9:47 pm

    Thank you everyone for your care but i don't have anyone with whom I can share it n I'm embarrassed and disgusted to share it with my brother and mom..... I can't just say anything about him as, if my family breaks it will all be my fault.. and i can't take responsibility for breaking my family... I just wish he would not behave the way he does with me when we're alone....

    Pixxidust18 October 20, 2020 10:04 pm
    Thank you everyone for your care but i don't have anyone with whom I can share it n I'm embarrassed and disgusted to share it with my brother and mom..... I can't just say anything about him as, if my family br... Ryuzaki03

    I am a mom and I can tell you that if a person was making my kids feel uncomfortable, I don't care who they are, they are gone. No one and I mean no one messes with my babies. If I am not there to protect them who will? I am sure your mom feels the same way. If he does hurt you don't you think your mom would feel worse because she could of done something if you said something? And I will say this, He is a grown man responsible of his own decisions and in no circumstances is hurting you ever your fault or your responsibility. He is not worthy of being in your family if he is trying to hurt you. You hold no responsibility in breaking up your family, however you have a responsibility to protect yourself. I beg of you please speak to someone. You could not only be protecting yourself but another young beautiful person. Please stay safe.

    kaktos October 20, 2020 10:08 pm
    Thank you everyone for your care but i don't have anyone with whom I can share it n I'm embarrassed and disgusted to share it with my brother and mom..... I can't just say anything about him as, if my family br... Ryuzaki03

    IT WON'T BE YOUR FAULT. Only your father's for being disgusting, scary man. Please try talk to your brother if you feel safe with him before something terrible happen ( ・﹏・)

    GoldenMochi October 20, 2020 10:52 pm

    oh sweetie, it would never be your fault! Maybe you can look for some professional couseling, like a psychologist, therapist or social worker. They can orientate you and help you psico-emotionally. There are people or organizations for free and/or virtual! Stay safe, send you lots of love <3

    Nightingale October 21, 2020 12:22 am
    I am a mom and I can tell you that if a person was making my kids feel uncomfortable, I don't care who they are, they are gone. No one and I mean no one messes with my babies. If I am not there to protect them... Pixxidust18

    That is exactly correct..And there is no way that it'll be your fault.The man is responsible for his own actions.If he harms you in any way its his fault for ruining what he has, as a family. Don't let it slide, it's a serious problem.Please tell someone about this.

    Yaoifan October 21, 2020 7:35 am
    I am a mom and I can tell you that if a person was making my kids feel uncomfortable, I don't care who they are, they are gone. No one and I mean no one messes with my babies. If I am not there to protect them... Pixxidust18

    You also have to understand that not all mothers are the same. Yes, most mothers would side with their child and kick the perverted creep out. Some mothers and families would end up blaming that child for saying anything or completely deny what their child tells them and say that he or she seduced their boyfriend or "man" and make their child feel horrible for "breaking up their family" or "taking their man away frome them".

    Not nonetheless I still do agree that she needs to say something before something really does happen and then she would be blamed again by others for "not saying anything about it sooner" etc.