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Can someone spoil me on who she ends up with?

NinjaShoyo October 19, 2020 4:20 pm

If she ends up with the emperor im going to be so mad, like she went through all that pain for what. She could’ve ended up with that brown hair knight guy or that other guy that likes her (the one she was staying with).

    Evieon October 19, 2020 4:28 pm

    Lmao yeah can’t imagine her with the emperor. It would have been different if he came back for her but he didn’t soo and he also made her suffer so much and was such a shitty person. I’m telling you if he didn’t know that she was bella than he’d be a shitty person remember how he was in the beginning such a fucking horrible person and he still is with others but just not with Bella because he wants her to trust him Again