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I swear this reminds me of Banana fish but in parallels so bad I swear it’s just been pl...

Gormenasie October 18, 2020 2:54 am

I swear this reminds me of Banana fish but in parallels so bad I swear it’s just been playing on my mind on like ash never got his break till he shhh fell asleep in the library and now this wanna be Dino asshole won’t give him a break and everyone just wants his fckin ass I swear I hate this shit the story better not be like banana fish either I swear just let him be happy

    prettynakyum October 18, 2020 9:14 am

    yeah, micheal reminds me of papa dino too, theyre both assholes and deserve nothing but pain

    Gormenasie October 18, 2020 10:20 am
    yeah, micheal reminds me of papa dino too, theyre both assholes and deserve nothing but pain prettynakyum

    He really is like him it’s like boris and seohyul if that’s how you spell it switched places like it was Ash in America but now it’s the Asian boy that came to America who’s the victim and the American trying to save him and everyone just uses him as their toilet like when he said that I instantly remembered Ashes break down in front of Dino I really hope he gets a happy ending if he dies I will sob