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Dang, translator doesn't go easy. That suki could also simply be translated to 'like' and ...

Mojooo October 15, 2020 5:48 pm

Dang, translator doesn't go easy. That suki could also simply be translated to 'like' and it's a more broad feeling. Love is such a strong word and i doubt his feelings had reached that level yet. I'm also just gonna go and say that I've been mostly on his side (go on call me things im ok lol *cries*) but I really do feel for his daughter. This is indeed a crazy and selfish decision to make. I don't know anymore at this point, I dont care if they don't end up together just don't put my man in jail pls.

    Akasia October 15, 2020 6:03 pm

    Lmao, my love, just give it up your man's going to jail :b

    Mojooo October 15, 2020 6:05 pm
    Lmao, my love, just give it up your man's going to jail :b Akasia

    Nooo, youu, I thought we were sorta on the same side :((

    Akasia October 15, 2020 6:12 pm
    Nooo, youu, I thought we were sorta on the same side :(( Mojooo

    U know I'm kinda weak when it comes to kids, this reaches the limit :( I see why you're with him but this time I differ a bit from you and that's ok, I still love u :*

    SolracXV October 15, 2020 7:55 pm

    Well, he isn't a criminal, but looking at how hysterical was the mother, if she happens to find them together again she's going to go all in against him, regardless if he did something to Koto or not.

    btw, me saying her mother was hysterical is a fact based on the circunstance of her missing daughter, which is totally understandable. I'm not calling her crazy or anything. She's acting like a mother that can't find his daughter would.

    And about Miya, she should've gone with him after koto and not throw her usual tantrum for once. She's practically saying "koto can be rolled over by the train for all I care, YOU STAY WITH ME!".

    She saying she's "trying to understand him" and doing *that* just contradicts. Not that it doesn't make sense though. It shows how all that time being shut in her room just served to make her really inmature and capricious.