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I feel like a lot of people are asking for Miya, a 15-16 year old, to act like an adult an...

I'm so confused by this commen October 15, 2020 5:45 pm

I feel like a lot of people are asking for Miya, a 15-16 year old, to act like an adult and encourage and accept this very gross very illegal relationship between her father and her childhood friend :/ It's weird that people want this confused and scared teen to act like it's okay for her dad to date a girl the same age as her

    SolracXV October 15, 2020 7:30 pm

    I would be happy if she only stopped her delusions about her father being responsible for her mother's death and dramatizing an imaginary abandonment that doesn't exist.

    Black&White October 29, 2020 12:47 pm

    Yeah, I would be grossed out if my father did the same thing.