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Pls wear gloves when you’re in the lab as well as safety goggles ;-;

blatantescapist October 14, 2020 11:04 am

Pls wear gloves when you’re in the lab as well as safety goggles ;-;

    Wishy-washy October 14, 2020 1:29 pm

    Gloves I can understand but goggles? They're in a biology lab not chemistry

    blatantescapist October 14, 2020 3:47 pm
    Gloves I can understand but goggles? They're in a biology lab not chemistry Wishy-washy

    Better safe than sorry ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Leta Cent October 14, 2020 4:58 pm
    Gloves I can understand but goggles? They're in a biology lab not chemistry Wishy-washy

    I wore googles in all of my university bio labs ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍. Depending on what's used ( especially with chemicals, animal matter, and cells) it's usually required to wear long sleeves, pants, closed shoes, gloves and goggles.

    Leaving aside chem labs or working with organs ( I don't want brain matter or preservatives in my face either btw), when working with cell samples not all cells are harmless so it's better to avoid getting any in your eyes. Also even with cells, chemicals are used ( examples are in that agar to feed and preserve cells, in test tubes to test pH, how long they service without sugar, how long they service without O2, that diffent metabolic advances, how they live depending on the changes in environments), ect.

    In my mico biology lab we used cells from skin, fecal matter, dirt, bread, ECT and honesty I wouldn't want any of them on my skin let alone in my eyes. You have to remember than any a human cells have the potential to have diseases so we always had to be careful around them even if they I look harmless. ( So in this case the sperm could have aids so it's better to have googles just in case) Also the basic chems we used in the experiment could turn our gloves different colors and we still had safety kits and showers every just in case. It's not just chem labs that use chemicals.

    So all we see is the sperm but I am sure they are testing and using more than just that. They should also be careful since they don't always know what their samples can do or has. It's always better to be safe then sorry.

    Leta Cent October 14, 2020 5:06 pm
    Gloves I can understand but goggles? They're in a biology lab not chemistry Wishy-washy

    Oh something elae to somewhat explain why. It's not just for health concerns but to prevent any and I mean any law suits. In my universe all bio and chem labs ( for classes and research) required fire proof lab coats. Which is funny cause we hardly used fire all that much. What we did use all the time was a tiny bunsen burner but since some people have somehow gotten burned in the past, they prefer to avoid getting sued so they tend to more cautious even if it doesn't make all that much sense.

    Thats probably also why we had to use googles since it's an extra protective measure. Who knows their might be that idiot that gets aids infected sperm in there eyes so lab want to be careful to protect them selves too.

    Leta Cent October 14, 2020 5:11 pm

    Honestly I have gotten used to manga never being realistic. Like I can't expect an author to understand what happens in a lab cause they tend not to go and research. Like I was laughing when the thing the characters had trouble researching was the sperms speed cause I thought why couldn't they do this before? Why did they take so long just for that? Why is a scientist so clumsy that he nocked his stuff down? Like so many questions popped up that I could tell the lab is only for smut and not be realistic.

    When it comes to science I just ignore everything I have learned cause I know it's rare when it's actually realistic.

    blatantescapist October 15, 2020 5:56 am

    Thanks for the interesting info! <: