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yall smoking crack or sum-

yeseniia October 12, 2020 8:39 am

how- how r yall feeling bad for that motherfucker?? like sure homie got problems but she shouldnt have to tell a GROWN ass man to " go get some help " put yourself in her fucking shoes. if anything she let him off the hook easy, best believe i aint letting my OBSESSED STALKER walk away with NO charges pressed or NO jail time.
um.. anyways stan sian

    JaeBlues October 12, 2020 9:31 am


    xxmanda4202xx October 12, 2020 9:58 pm

    period I dont know why people are hating on the mc for finally sticking up for herself

    Midnight October 12, 2020 10:45 pm


    naly October 12, 2020 11:12 pm

    I feel bad for him because he had nobody at all, and honestly why did she pretend to be happy with Yul that just gave him the wrong idea, but honestly he doesn’t need help I do agree on that part.

    yeseniia October 13, 2020 6:38 am
    I feel bad for him because he had nobody at all, and honestly why did she pretend to be happy with Yul that just gave him the wrong idea, but honestly he doesn’t need help I do agree on that part. naly

    ah- i have no pity for him but i also wanna know why she did that 2, that part is a lil hard2 understand. anyways i respect ur opinion :)