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Moomo-chan October 11, 2020 1:53 am

So i finally summoned enough courage to read this and all i can say is...

Im mad (mostly at kirie).

Like, why did no one ever leave the town? Especially kirie and shuichi? Especially after all those weird events? Why, just why Kirie didnt elope like Shuichi wanted?!

And when i though they would actually escape, at least those two... Nope. They completed the spiral and made me mad again.

And now i'll never look at a spiral the same way again O.O

    Huong Loz December 2, 2020 12:40 pm

    This is what people called cosmic horror. If you read any of Junji Ito story you will understand. Junji Ito character are not ment to be sympathetic, strong, or understanding. They kinda like a first person game, you used them as a vessel to watch the horror unfold. At first I also like you, mad at them for not leaving but thru many Ito works I accept it, just like every character in his work accept their fate. They just watch the horror in front of you, drown in its madness and it is very thrilling to throw away your feelings for the main character and just focus on the horror