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This is why I'm mad, cuz shes like talking about how she doesnt understand all this crazy ...

Chubbs October 9, 2020 1:50 am

This is why I'm mad, cuz shes like talking about how she doesnt understand all this crazy stuff he ends up doing and it feels like shes being left behind. Louis called her and tells her he changed the world and now hes more confident and everything but she doesnt understand cuz he never talks about these things with her it seems. She learns of it and feels shes still just s simple bunny. Instead of getting more Haru chapters to flesh her past that point she stayed behind and feels the only way she can be like Legosi is to make him confused and want to keep chasing her. She probably feels he will find disinterest if he stops. I wish we got her in Kyuu chapters or in the Melon chapters. She wouldve added so much.
