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I uh...(Spoiler of the first episode, but...) Idk how to feel about the fact they had sex ...

Flowering.Ace October 7, 2020 7:27 pm

I uh...(Spoiler of the first episode, but...) Idk how to feel about the fact they had sex that exact day they met and THEN found out their ages. Also kinda uncomfy with the fact that she's 16 and he's 26...that kinda seems to me like some pedophilia going on there. Yeah I get some people have an age gap when they marry and whatnot but just. comparing, this would be a grown man who could have already graduated college, and a kid in junior high. And potentially getting her pregnant? I'm out. Sorry not sorry.

    mercisha October 30, 2020 12:04 pm

    Nah ur right. There's a difference between a 40 yr old and a 50 yr old in comparison to a kid and a 26 yr old. They're in completely different walks of life. It's not ok.