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I’m so tired of Yuu’s cousin he really is selfish,like you does all these things for u...

nimnim juice October 7, 2020 3:43 am

I’m so tired of Yuu’s cousin he really is selfish,like you does all these things for u and your ungrateful.In my eyes I don’t think his cousin really had a hard life because of him.Friends? There are people who wanted to be his friends. Popularity?Is that really necessary?He likes someone you like?Now that’s downright petty you had a breakdown because he had better chances of getting with the Uke than u.Then try harder to improve you.Asking someone to disappear?I just.....really can’t stand people like that.

    angel1 October 7, 2020 8:25 am

    the thing about this situation is that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. everybody has flaws and insecurities, no one is perfect. these guys are just a buncha teens who are growing up and learning, just with lots of sex...