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Stretching time

peace_yow October 6, 2020 11:20 am

I really like that they didn't do it right away since it'd have been to much of a stretch (ba dum tss xD) for the MC.
It's not on the same level but to draw a comparison for better understanding of the matter:
If you wanna do a split for the first time and never stretched your muscles for that, you're not gonna force yourself into that position on the first day. Instead, you stretch a bit more every 1-3 days to get used to it. You do it gradually, without putting too much strain on yourself.
And since sex is supposed to be a fun, painless (unless you prefer pain ofc) activity for both, imo it's even more important to take your time. I mean, to each their own but why endure pain when you won't have to if you just wait a bit longer :D
