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Bruhhh lmao honestly when kana kept blowing him off when mamo literally wanted to talk it ...

Ayumi13 October 6, 2020 4:59 am

Bruhhh lmao honestly when kana kept blowing him off when mamo literally wanted to talk it out pissed me off lmao like bruhhh— mamo is trying communicate.

But honestly I get it, cuz kana has some issues and trauma and he deals with it his own way, but just seeing mamo trying so hard and going through his stuff in anger and desperation kinda broke me, I felt that.
I get that kana was tryna move on and stuff but I guess that’s what he needs to communicate cuz mamo was obvi trying to still mend things with kana with the hopes of being with him.

And bruh, like to those who’s shitting on mamo for being a crybaby and can’t do anything himself stfu— lmao like LEGIT, he hasn’t been crying much lately cuz he was trying to “not cry” which is kinda sad cuz that’s healthy for some people (plus he kinda cute when he cries lmao)— and bruh he’s been doing stuff himself lately like what? At the beginning Yea sure, but when they were like being distance and shit mamo was trying to fix everything on his own. And like.., having his mother do everything for him? Ahh false lmso, one, we don’t know that. Two I highly doubt it, cuz he was living in a rural area so he probably is comfy and knows how to do shit, he don’t need to rely on everything on his mom.
Plus kana says that he likes it when mamo relies on him so that’s not problem for them.

Also it kinda pisses me off how in yaoi when one rejects the other by not believing in them or whatever and automatically says “you’re gonna marry a gurl and kids” like how do you know they’re not gay?! I’ve seen it in yaoi a lot and it just infuriated me lmao

Lowkey wish mamo to be like “you’re not my first boyfriend!” NOW THAT would be a plot twist LMAOOO
