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OH GOD HOW MUCH I HATE THIS KIND OF SEME. like OH IM the victim all the time, soooo im gon...

rabib October 6, 2020 2:09 am

OH GOD HOW MUCH I HATE THIS KIND OF SEME. like OH IM the victim all the time, soooo im gonna sleep around to forget u. BITCH THE UKE FRICKING apologized!!!and said that he loves u . SOO SHUUT UR ASS AND ACCEPT HIS LOVE (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    lilac October 6, 2020 2:12 am

    Oh,i thought you were going to say "and accept his ass"

    lostikins October 6, 2020 2:20 am

    I mean, there's ukes that do this too? lol

    And Mamoru literally told him that love between two guys was disgusting and broke his unstable young mind. So what if he slept around to try and mend the pain? Kanato didn't think Mamoru would actually do something by himself for once and go chasing after him. He was convinced Mamoru hated him and just wanted to move on. They're young and were even younger when Mamoru completely rejected him. You can't expect someone to get over something like that when they've been together pretty much their whole lives lol

    But go off I guess.

    Starfall<3 October 6, 2020 2:40 am
    I mean, there's ukes that do this too? lol And Mamoru literally told him that love between two guys was disgusting and broke his unstable young mind. So what if he slept around to try and mend the pain? Kanato ... lostikins

    Bruh...don't you know it goes both ways. People hate it when ukes sleep around after their crush reject them or when they're convinced they're straight so they sleep around to forget. People think it's unhealthy and instead of mending the pain it makes it worse, its better to move on by trying to fall in love and find a partner and if he has a trauma then try to be in a relationship with a gay guy this time, sleeping around won't solve anything and will make him stagnant instead, he won't have improved emotionally.
    Btw people can sleep around if they like it but if it's to escape pain then it's better not to.

    iamb October 6, 2020 3:38 am

    well, it's an assumption he was sleeping around, you're supposed to worry about that.. but is it true? he could have just as easily been at a friends.

    iamb October 6, 2020 4:46 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! SpoopyLonerForLife

    it makes the most sense:)

    plinky25 October 6, 2020 6:58 am

    Lmao I did not know an apology could fix a trauma. Not everyone is as easily forgiving as you are sir/ma’am.