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Contain spoilers. 10 years where I loved you the most

GK14 October 5, 2020 2:33 pm

I gave this story 5 stars because it really serves the 'tragedy' tag so well. This gives me a roller coaster emotions. I really felt sad for the three of them. For Zhishu, he doesnt deserve the way he was treated and the way he gives up the will to live, it is just so painful. As for Jiang, not that I am symphatizing with him, I just felt sad because he wasnt given a chance to say sorry personally to Zhishu and the feeling of not having a glance of your loved one even just for one last time, it will carve into your heart forever the devastation and regrets. As for the doctor, the feeling of watching your loved one slowly being crumbled by the disease that you cant do anything, how you watch him waiting for his death, having the strength not to cry every single time you see him, and lastly, holding him until his last breath, knowing that he will never open his eyes again. Tell me, how can you not cry for these situations?!? Just please love your partner wholeheartedly.
