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Someone in the comment section called it a fair transaction. I'm sorry, but preying on a c...

My password is 'Password' October 5, 2020 2:31 pm

Someone in the comment section called it a fair transaction. I'm sorry, but preying on a child's vunerability isnt called fair trade its called exploitation and grooming. Sure children are capable of making decisions but they can be easily manipulated, hence why pedos can keep children from speaking up. They make children feel cornered and so powerless forcing the child believe there is no way out. His brother couldn't stop as an adult because he was made to feel indebted to the Asshole from a young age, grooming basically. There is a reason why countries set a legal age for consensual sex, because by then the individual should have an understand of what true consent means.

P.s. it wasn't a fair transaction since it was crime to begin with
