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Im dropping this. If Sunhwee leaves the relationship, let me know.

peachybangtan October 5, 2020 12:56 am

I’m dropping this because only 2 of the characters in this whole story are actually a good people. Taeyoon (the other girl) knows what shes getting into and knows what she wants in the relationship which is pleasure. I have no issue w her. Sunhwee is literally the sweetest, but he needs a wake up call and he needs to leave the toxic relationship and move on. I hate Hyunwoo and Hyesol. Hyesol i dont even need to explain. Hyunwoo didnt defend Sunhwee whatsoever even though those were his toys. Like wtf man. Most likely said nothing so he could get Hyseol for himself. TOXIC MUCH?! I bet Hyesol will do nothing to help Sunhwee so I hope he will leave by then. Also, whyy the hell would Sunhwee’s “friends” post that online. They broke into his room without his permission and literally blasted him and labeled him as gay even tho he isnt. What kind of friends are they. Just because he has toys doesnt mean hes gay. Even if he was gay why is that their business. Imma drop this because I dont want to see Sunhwee suffer. Peace Out lmk if there is character development bc so far there is none and pretty much everyone (except Sunhwee and Taeyoon) is an a**hole
