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peace_yow October 3, 2020 6:22 am

Their dynamics, I mean. It's constantly switching in who's the one taking initiative/"dominating" the situation.
Also I'd like to take a minute to choose whether to laugh or cry over the fact that the guy does his best to stay away but doesn't explicitly ask for consent in intimate situations (not actual sex though) while the girl chases after the guy yet takes her time and asks for consent (multiple times) when they were about to do it. Like lololol what kinda.... this is so funny XD my level of respect for the girl definitely went up there.
Also, the art is just gorgeous. Both their faces when they're in S/dom mode so to speak are just *moans* ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
This is cute, and while it may seem conflicting that the guy started to have feelings for the girl when she was like 10-12, it's not like he had a choice in that. Rather, he suffered from it cause it really bothered him. The choice he made though was putting some safe distance between them, which I can only commend him for. He's a good guy. All intimate interactions are when the girl's already an adult
