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Ok first of all why tf did no one compliment her fucking looks from the Boyz side like tf ...

Evieon October 2, 2020 5:51 pm

Ok first of all why tf did no one compliment her fucking looks from the Boyz side like tf she had to wait till high school for that and even still only one guy likes her how???she is obviously a beautiful women is it because of her short hair because if it is those tasteless mfs. Damn she’s so cute just look at her she’s so pureeeee she’s was blushing from being carried princess style because no one ever made her feel like she was a girl :( and she got flustered from being called cute and beautiful. And those fucking boys treat her like she ain’t a women and dare say shit like she’s so rude to us like bitch wtf if u call a girl a boy isn’t it obvious that she’s gonna think your a dick
