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It seems glasses boy only fell in love with popular boy because he looked like vampire kni...

Anonymous September 30, 2020 12:44 pm

It seems glasses boy only fell in love with popular boy because he looked like vampire knight. I mean, right afterwards, he even said, "Vampire knight isn't way", so basically, it's not him, it's vampire knight. If I put on my rose colored glasses, I can see that he, too, fell in love with the popular guy's dedication, to actually go so far as to cosplay and confess to him in a classroom wearing it. (But I mean, he said, "vampire knight" with a blush on his face before saying "yes", so it feels more like he's not really in love with him.) Ah, my rose glasses broke. New rose glasses, then.
Afterwards, he was embarrassed to see the guy he likes, cosplaying as his favorite character, actually approaching him like that, and out of a fluster sought to correct him - hey, what kind of rose colored glasses are these?! 150%?!?! I'm just going to go without them for now, then!

Well, the popular boy also fell in love with his pretty face, so it's not like his reason is all that noble and pure either. And maybe in this story, no one needs or expects a pure, well nurtured love. Well, the passion's there. And determination. The characters are pretty honest.
