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Y’all I stg. He IS possessive, he WAS and IS manipulative. The MC knows this. I feel lik...

Heftylesbian September 28, 2020 10:35 pm

Y’all I stg. He IS possessive, he WAS and IS manipulative. The MC knows this. I feel like the MC is the type to run as far as he can if he is truly scared. Run first, think later sort of thing. But, they both ended up liking each other. Did the ML coerce him? Yes. But at the same time, although manipulative and possessive, it’s due to an uneasiness of losing someone he likes.
Does that excuse what he’s done in the past? No. BUT his actions now that they’re together will be better.
If the MC likes him anyways, okay. I don’t think these things should be normalized in EVERY COMIC BUT! This sort of things happens irl sadly. Maybe not falling in love with a rapist, but sometimes your loved one... can do stuff without consent.

I wish trauma was represented more accurately, BUT this IS fiction. If people think rape is okay, they have something wrong with them. But the vast majority of people know it’s wrong. Nobody needs to reiterate how awful it is every time it updates.

You’re all great with amazing morals, I don’t blame anyone for being upset. But I think, rather than being offended by comics like this, getting offended by IRL things that contain rape is a healthier way to be. I have been starting to see a trend of complete consent between the main characters lately in some comics, so all hope is not lost! If you don’t like this comic bc of the rape, then drop it! There are other comics out there worth your guy’s time.

Trust me, it’s a happy ending. They are VERY cute as time goes on more and more.

    LazyParrot September 29, 2020 1:25 am

    This is one of the better comments I've seen around. Most people would just go noncoherently screaming without brain filter a lot of the time.
    Knowing which fiction and reality, good or bad would normally come second nature, unless you've been raised as a psychopath or just immaturely dumb.
    For me, this type of manhwa is what I consider an afternoon snack.

    TheTenderVigilante September 29, 2020 1:28 pm

    So true. why get upset, reading these are supposed to be for entertainment, why upset yourself on purpose. Just move on. Not trying to shade, but I never got why ppl wld read 20,30,50 etc, chapters of something they don’t like. You’re this deep in, just to come to the comments and say you hate the story,you hate the characters and you think ppl who like it are sick, bc of whatever happened in chapter 3 or what not. Move on boo, it’s bad for your spirit to purposely seek something out that you dislike so much, not to mention you’re a killjoy to everyone else. Unless of course they just want to troll.

    Heftylesbian October 7, 2020 2:37 am
    This is one of the better comments I've seen around. Most people would just go noncoherently screaming without brain filter a lot of the time.Knowing which fiction and reality, good or bad would normally come s... LazyParrot

    Thank you! I think keeping an open mind when reading things is the best way to enjoy comics.
    Yes yes! Exactly! Growing up, generally we learn in school and from our parents that rape is bad. People who rape others, or assault others, know what they are doing is wrong. Nobody is ever like “they were fighting and saying no but I thought it was consensual!”

    I tooootally agree. This type of manhwa really keeps my attention.

    Heftylesbian October 7, 2020 2:39 am
    So true. why get upset, reading these are supposed to be for entertainment, why upset yourself on purpose. Just move on. Not trying to shade, but I never got why ppl wld read 20,30,50 etc, chapters of something... TheTenderVigilante

    Yess! Exactly! Like, okay... I get it if you are like 5 chapters in and are like “eh not my cup of tea” but to shit on a comic, that someone worked hard on, and people like is childish.
    I mean, why do people have to be mad all the time! All people have to do when hating a comic like this is close the tab and move on. Like you said, they just want to troll and make people angry.