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I'm on chapter 38, and I don't understand why the fl is so dumb. Like why doesn't she thin...

Kambe Daisuke September 28, 2020 4:17 am

I'm on chapter 38, and I don't understand why the fl is so dumb. Like why doesn't she think about any of the consequences to her actions. She fricking released a prisoner that attempted to assassinate the pharaoh, not regarding who he might be or the fact that the warden might get in trouble because of it (Apparently his tongue and tendons were cut and hanged on the side of a cliff. She did that to him). Then she uses technology that are thousands of years advanced. That could have changed history as we know it, possibly of the entire world.
I think this is a great concept. And I personally love ancient Egypt. But the story is flawed. I think for someone as intelligent as the fl in this story, who have studied history and knows the effects of one small action, she is acting way too dumb.

    Kambe Daisuke September 28, 2020 4:45 am

    Also I have just read a bit further and now I see the pharaoh is dumb as well. Well I don't know is dumb is the right term, but he was really about to use another Nefetari and kill her in order to save the fl. And the female lead is touched by this. I don't know. This couple is so weird.