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I just read this in one go(bad choice, couldn't feel shit because I rushed it) but why doe...

Yotsuyu September 28, 2020 12:36 am

I just read this in one go(bad choice, couldn't feel shit because I rushed it) but why does Haesoo get so much hate? He's a bit twisted but he's mostly okay?...I personally like him and want him get over his inferiority complex and be happy but while I was reading I kept expecting some really stupid behavior from him but it never happened so I'm kinda disappointed( ̄∇ ̄")

    Kawaii_70 September 28, 2020 5:25 am

    Cuz he can't choose between cherry head and that porn addicted nerd...

    Kawaii_70 September 28, 2020 5:31 am

    Cuz he can't choose between cherry heIPad and that porn addicted nerd...

    Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl September 28, 2020 5:34 am

    Lmfao but honestly i love haesoo why does everyone hate him and he did choose he chose taekyung...well come to think of it he said a straight out no to jowoon and told taekyung he wasnt ready tor a relationship.....which is understandable honestly haesoo matured alot im happy he realized his relationship with jowoon wasnt healthy why does everybodg hate him so much its not his fault jowoons obsessed with him.....they werent even in a relayionship because neither of them could say their feelings straight out then haesoo found someone who he telt he could say his feelings straight out too...honestly people should be hating on jowoon...tho i love jowoon too i want all of them to be happy

    hisoka-chan September 28, 2020 5:53 am
    Lmfao but honestly i love haesoo why does everyone hate him and he did choose he chose taekyung...well come to think of it he said a straight out no to jowoon and told taekyung he wasnt ready tor a relationship... Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl

    ...why should people be hating on joowon???

    ali September 28, 2020 6:06 am

    ^ right? so many people already hate on joowon lolllllll. a lot of it's unwarranted imo, but it's out there.

    haesoo didn't "choose" taku, they're in some weird trial relationship bc taku pressured him to be in one.

    and haesoo actually does realize that his relationship with joowon wasn't abnormal either in these pages:

    LetsGetShwifty September 28, 2020 7:30 am
    Cuz he can't choose between cherry head and that porn addicted nerd... Kawaii_70


    JinwooJinooo September 28, 2020 1:18 pm
    Lmfao but honestly i love haesoo why does everyone hate him and he did choose he chose taekyung...well come to think of it he said a straight out no to jowoon and told taekyung he wasnt ready tor a relationship... Animeyaoikpopcomicfangirl

    Yes, Joowon is so obsessed that he let him go, hasn't bothered him and has fully shown his support in whatever he does. Joowon hasn't done anything related to Haesoo since then. And c'mon, don't you remember how Haesoo ended up choosing Taku? Please. I'm truly believe there 19920201 versions of LoH.

    Lord of Gays September 29, 2020 1:42 am
    Cuz he can't choose between cherry head and that porn addicted nerd... Kawaii_70

    I love this comment

    Water September 29, 2020 9:13 pm
    I love this comment Lord of Gays

    Me too.