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Aah.. No..

Bucin Gurita September 27, 2020 6:19 pm

I just can hope the author is fine and healthy...

    blatantescapist September 28, 2020 1:34 am

    The manga is done, the one in charge of the scanlation uploads sporadically and I heard they recently got a freelance job so the wait would probably be a while. They’ve released quite a few new mangas though. You can check their ongoing projects here, you might even recognize some of them:

    blatantescapist September 28, 2020 1:36 am

    Oh, correction, the manga doesn’t look like it’s done? I think only 3 chapters are out. Some comics especially if they’re release on pixiv tend to go at their own pace. Like Zettai BL oh man, that shit updates when the author feels like it xD I don’t blame them since they have 3? Other mangas to work on.