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I’m looking for a webtoon

Tien-YL September 27, 2020 3:52 am

My description is gonna be kinda vague cuz I don’t rmeber much but it was an It was an apocalypse type one where the main guy was really weak and cowardly, he was basically useless. I remember there are two tops, one guy was a red head and the other guy was blonde(?) (but he appeared in the raws so I dunno if it’s gotten translated that far yet), these two were really strong but were attracted to weak MC and took him into their group. That’s all I really remember, so not much plot wise.

I started reading it cuz I saw snippets on insta and got interested cuz uke had a really REALLY small dick (like pinky size) compared to the seme. And a bunch of people I’m the comments said that’s why they read it too

If any of y’all know what I’m talking bout pls help
