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The main issue with the last chapter that was uploaded is that instead of talking to her a...

Anonymous September 26, 2020 4:42 am

The main issue with the last chapter that was uploaded is that instead of talking to her about him being a pornstar he tries to sleep with her just to then tell him how he slept with someone right before he slept with her like that's just not right. But is manga so like it is what it is.

    lulali September 27, 2020 5:32 am

    I imagine pornstars generally don’t go home to their husband or wife and say, “Hey, honey, I just fucked a dude today, so what’s for dinner?” She said he was acting differently, so I’m wondering if he was having another episode?

    Toe September 29, 2020 3:19 am
    I imagine pornstars generally don’t go home to their husband or wife and say, “Hey, honey, I just fucked a dude today, so what’s for dinner?” She said he was acting differently, so I’m wondering if he... lulali

    Yeah I agree. I hope to see some development and can't wait for the next upload I do wonder if he was having another episode.