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Loveyfan95 September 25, 2020 3:06 pm

Finally! The moment I was waiting for finally came. In my opinion, Youngjin and his brother's relationship is as pure as it can be. I don't mind them being brothers (which I think is also questionable, for Youngjin was created from a piece of hair) I love their relationships dynamic. I love how confused and in pain, yet still in love they are. And this is a piece of fiction, wherein everything can be written in freeform, no offense. So don't feel bad everyone, looking back at Homers written mythology, most of the gods engage in incest, sometimes out of pleasure, sometimes keeping the pure blood in tact. I personally love the pair of brothers and am happy that they finally got to kiss <3 The friend (forgot his name) was a sexy eye opener. I love this manga
