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I used to not care about this manhwa..but

yaoiislife September 25, 2020 10:14 am


The first time I read this, i couldnt care less how it would end because i hated all their attitudes (especially haesoo). The comments about who willbe endgame, J vs T made me have interest once again in this manhwa so i’ve read it again, this time slower and scrutinizingly. Joowon is heavily ‘villainized’ (The overused word being ‘toxic’ in the comment section) because the majority of the story is unfolding in Haesoo’s point of view. I tried to look at this most objectively, and while i believe there are multiple factors why Haesoo’s attitude and actions are like this, I’ve come to realize how Joowon is actually the most well-written among all of them.

After rereading this also, I also understand why Taku as endgame seem to be dominating but honestly, I find his attitude among all of them as most unrealistic. He is the most enigmatic among all of them but I can’t find myself rooting for him because his intentions towards Haesoo cant be called ‘pure’ if that makes sense. He entered Haesoo’s life knowing it has baggage and emotional trauma yet he insists on Haesoo (saying that he loves him) because he perhaps finds it thrilling?

Try it, read this again from the top and see how our image of Joowon is actually distorted by Haesoo’s internal conflict of love or hate for him..

    lavender September 25, 2020 4:50 pm

    sis didnt need to go that hard esp about how overused the word toxic is here but you did and i appreciate it immensely

    fabi_geraldo September 25, 2020 5:05 pm

    I agree with you. It's not about taking sides, it's just what is right there presented to us. If Joowoon is to be blamed for anything, I would say it is for his lack of guts to come foreward about their relationship, SPECIALLY to Heesoo. He can't be straightforward and say what his feelings really are. And Yes, I think Taku is pretty shady, and wouldn't find Heesoo interesting if it wasn't for all the drama he's into. I suffered a real ordeal to read all the avaliable chapters, and I'm feeling so hurt now, that I don't really know if I want to go through, because I'm really afraid H and J won't be together in the end... I can't see them apart... Their chemistry is so organic... I don't want to be annoying and say that the author's story is wrong in any way, I1m grateful for all her effort and talent... But I never suffered with so much angst as in this one. Thanks for sharing your opinion!

    Aime September 26, 2020 12:34 am

    I don't understand why you have so many unlikes when you're so damn right

    Jreadsall September 26, 2020 1:56 am

    Sweetie you’re completely right . I’ve been saying this and people refuse to admit it. You know you’re right because you have that many dislikes

    Aime September 26, 2020 2:20 am
    I don't understand why you have so many unlikes when you're so damn right Aime

    dislikes* ( ̄∇ ̄") (my English is so shitty lmao, but anyway, you are right, and people who disagree are in denial)

    yaoiislife September 26, 2020 4:36 am

    Hahaha. I dont mind the dislikes. They’ve only given me the pleasure of knowing my comment affected them ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Tubb123 September 27, 2020 3:17 am

    THIS FINALLY. i have reread it as well because I just couldn't get why a lot of people hate joowon saying his toxic or what not but although he's not perfect he's actually has the best character development amongst these 3..Haesoo's perception of Joowon has been distorted because of his inferiority complex but joowon always has haesoo's best interest at heart though some decisions he made hurt haesoo. Though taku and haesoo's relationship seemed sweet I don't know it just feels so shallow to me. Even now joowon is doing what hes doing because he is prioritising haesoo. I dont care who ends up with who I'm just rooting for joowon's happiness.

    bhosutinax September 27, 2020 1:49 pm

    i need some ointment cause ur spitting fire damnn

    wonuyaaa January 12, 2021 4:11 am

    36 dislikes, and for what? being right? lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    when i say joowon stans are the only ones who properly read Love or Hate