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Please no love triangle ( ̄∇ ̄")

Zae September 25, 2020 4:51 am

Woong is so pure, I just don’t want the story to get too dragged out and dramatic if he fails to seal the deal with fan girl cuz he keeps lusting after trainer girl who’s too dumb to realize she’s with a rapist predator.

Like I know story demands they hook up and they’re literally the cover but I just want the situation to be dealt with in a neat way without fan girl being a plot device who gets the short end like the trainee guy in True Beauty. She’s so sweet and not sending mixed signals either! Love her sm, but FMC is just way too fucking naïve to the point that it’s frustrating, I don’t hate her but she’s kinda dumb and bland imo.

Bonus: Paulina and Hani are adorable too! MisoxHani is my otp since he’s just so endearing and Hani knows he loves her so she treats him so well, she’s just insatiable lol but her flaws aren’t toxic as she doesn’t lie or mislead him, so cute
