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Nooo!!!!!!!!! when I finally found the sequel to "Devil's Honey" why!?! why wasn't it tran...

Nami March 12, 2015 3:37 am

Nooo!!!!!!!!! when I finally found the sequel to "Devil's Honey" why!?! why wasn't it translated to english!?!?! and why can't i just read the raws and understand it right away!?!?! wahhh~!!!!! ╥﹏╥ why!!!!! JUST WHYY!!!!!!!

and I keep cursing myself for not taking language lessons! it's cool if your an expert linguist and can understand all the writings and languages all around the world even ancient times!!!

sorry if I disturbed you it's just me mopping aroud all because I can't understand other languages around the world ( real reason: I can't read the raws because I don't know how to read Japanese or whatever language is the raw on... ╥﹏╥

    Nami March 12, 2015 3:40 am

    If there's someone who can translate all the chapters of this manga then you will be my hero, my saviour, my king (or queen if it's a girl)....
    but either way please someone translate the raws I'm begging you! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Yo April 10, 2015 8:12 am
    If there's someone who can translate all the chapters of this manga then you will be my hero, my saviour, my king (or queen if it's a girl)....but either way please someone translate the raws I'm begging you! ... @Nami

    Buy it. It's available in SuBLime in digital edition. Support the mangaka if you really like it :)

    Mameiha July 27, 2015 9:58 am
    Buy it. It's available in SuBLime in digital edition. Support the mangaka if you really like it :) @Yo

    Does it really support the mangaka? If so, I'll be all over that. If it's just a volunteer group getting paid instead of the mangaka, I can't support it. I don't doubt your words - I just am not familiar with SuBLime.

    Mameiha July 27, 2015 10:12 am
    Buy it. It's available in SuBLime in digital edition. Support the mangaka if you really like it :) @Yo

    Holy Cow! Thank you so much! I checked out the site and WOW. They DO work with the mangaka and are totally legit. Thanks again!

    Mental Nails December 15, 2015 5:56 pm
    Buy it. It's available in SuBLime in digital edition. Support the mangaka if you really like it :) @Yo

    THANK YOU! Just read this and flailing like an idiot. :)