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For ppl who are screaming The Maid Elize IS the VICTIM.

Alenira September 24, 2020 1:32 pm

Its easy to say she is the victim and justify that when you only look at what she has suffer. Rape, abuse, threats.
But getting pissed at ppl just because they point out that she chose to abuse others using her abusers power. How the hell does that make sense. YOU CAN BE A VICTIM AND AN ABUSER. But trying to justify the abuse she does just because she is a victim of abuse is so freaking deaf.

    Starsandmetaphors September 24, 2020 2:01 pm

    One of the rules I live by is 'Your sorrow is not an excuse to cause more sorrow.'

    Alenira September 24, 2020 2:21 pm
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    I get that, but she did have help. Despite them not knowing why she did less work, the other maids cover for her for over month and did her workload. But in return she just snapped at them. They had her back but she didnt look forward. I get the hormones and all that but if you ignore the olive-branch extended to you, sooner or later the branch will break. I was just responding to all the coment about how all her actions were justified because they only looked at one side of the coin.

    She is desperate, yet never opend up to anyone, she cut off her only lines of suport and only listend to her abuser. In turne she also became an abuser.

    Also i have seen the Raw's and all i can say is the other maids didnt know she was pregnant, they all felt sorry for her in the end.

    Starsandmetaphors September 24, 2020 2:29 pm
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    Which is still not an excuse. She was raped, no doubt in my mind, but she is also an abuser. Two wrongs never make a right. We don't tell victims of crimes that their abuser does not deserve punishment or that the actions of their abuser is understandable, because the abuser was abused. We tell victims they deserve justice, regardless of the abuser's past.