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baddestbustan March 6, 2015 11:21 am

I seriously did not expect this when I began to read this !!! It's quite interesting tho... I usually hate those kind of weird bullying stories. However this one seems to have some kind of a different feeling..

    Anonymous March 8, 2015 12:08 pm

    I agree with you. It totally took me by surprise as well. I wonder if he got reincarnated? Even if so, i'm interested to see what happens next and i hope he will find happiness in the end.

    Trunks159 April 7, 2015 8:14 pm
    I agree with you. It totally took me by surprise as well. I wonder if he got reincarnated? Even if so, i'm interested to see what happens next and i hope he will find happiness in the end. @Anonymous

    Thats the only reason i read it. I swear if we get a sad ending...

    I have a feeling this isn't really happening and that its some sort of dream but who knows.