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Not that bad?

Suneli September 21, 2020 11:09 am

I don't really see why everyone is so angry about her turning white and her not being super dark in the colored bits?? She's originally white/japanese so it makes sense for her to have light skin and it just feels like theyre setting it right? If she was black it would be awful but she's not. Idk i always thought of her as just tanned looking not BLACK black cause thats just another problem. I do like her with her darker skin but it doesnt feel super wrong for it to change

    Ptasheo September 21, 2020 1:12 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! The Nutcraker

    Yep, also she’s originally supposed to be darker/tan. Making her lighter on the cover purposely is just stupid, the main point of the story is that she’s darker.

    agathat September 21, 2020 1:23 pm

    In the novel everyone saw her as ugly when she had dark skin and a beauty when her skin is white!!!

    This show a cultural thing in Japan where darker skin is seen as ugly!!!

    So sadly, the author is showing her culture in the novel, and dark skin people suffer a lot not only in Japan but outside becaude racism indicate dark skin is ugly!!!

    This is something people should address