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Okay i haven't read this for awhile and i'm shook that his family where isekaid too i hope...

sianxx September 21, 2020 4:20 am

Okay i haven't read this for awhile and i'm shook that his family where isekaid too i hope they will meet soon in a peaceful way. And pls don't kill the grandpa coz i have a bad feeling about it hope his sister won't suffer too much and meet him soon. And i read osme comment where he should just enjoy his life there but if it were you would yoy enjoy it knowing whay happened to those isekaid people and the fact that he came from a peaceful era whete his loveones where there ofcourse he wouldn't enjoy knowing the fact that he can't see them anymore and being chase by an empire with its selfish idealisyic of uniting the continent where in fact it was just surpressing them. But now that his family get isekaid i think he will be focusing on protecting them which i hope they meet soon
