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Hal September 20, 2020 3:59 am

I like the story. The only thing I dislike is the massive age difference between Dias and his wife. Legit, it's 20 years (If I recall that correctly) (▰˘n˘▰)

    getinthefurnace September 28, 2020 6:58 pm

    Age gap exists in real life too tho? Don't really see a difference

    T-raw September 28, 2020 7:16 pm
    Age gap exists in real life too tho? Don't really see a difference getinthefurnace

    dude she's 15. An age gap between two adults and one involving a child are very different things

    Hal September 28, 2020 10:28 pm
    dude she's 15. An age gap between two adults and one involving a child are very different things T-raw

    Yah, what I mean^^

    NekoNeko September 28, 2020 10:31 pm
    dude she's 15. An age gap between two adults and one involving a child are very different things T-raw

    she’s an ahjin u can’t hold her to the same rules as human. not being mean but just like animals mature faster than humans and give birth when they’re 2-3 years old ahjins also mature faster since they are basically half animals.

    NekoNeko September 28, 2020 10:32 pm

    she’s not human, u can’t hold her to the same moral and social conduct as humans

    T-raw September 29, 2020 12:31 am
    she’s an ahjin u can’t hold her to the same rules as human. not being mean but just like animals mature faster than humans and give birth when they’re 2-3 years old ahjins also mature faster since they ar... NekoNeko


    babu September 29, 2020 1:05 am
    she’s not human, u can’t hold her to the same moral and social conduct as humans NekoNeko

    How about we don't justify sexualizing children? The plot would not change if she was 20.

    Mece September 29, 2020 4:25 am

    The age gap doesn't bother me at all in this manga because it seems to bother Dias. LOL There is a reason why he hasn't touched her. Thankfully thus far she hasn't shown the need to try and push things with him. It also helps that they have adopted the twins.

    He treats her like an equal, like his partner. Which is good enough for a semi political marriage.

    NekoNeko September 29, 2020 5:03 am
    :/ T-raw

    i know it sounds bad when i say she’s not human and can’t be treated as a human but it’s true. also since this is set in medieval times it was common for men to marry younger than their age. u can’t change history just coz ppl in the now generation are hurt. we can find solace in the fact that dias isn’t a pervert and that the author didn’t draw her with humongous boobs or focus on her private parts

    T-raw September 29, 2020 6:53 pm
    The age gap doesn't bother me at all in this manga because it seems to bother Dias. LOL There is a reason why he hasn't touched her. Thankfully thus far she hasn't shown the need to try and push things with him... Mece

    yea this is the reason I'm still reading this story but he still hasn't shut her down (like you said he's treating her like a partner... a romantic partner... someone who's a child). If you're an adult and a child has romantic feelings for you it's 100% on you to clearly reject those feeling and distance yourself, not allow them to play homemaker with you.