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help me please:( :(

mayan February 28, 2015 7:59 pm

I read manga for not long time but i forgot the name:( if you can help me i will be very greatful!:)
It's about two people, freind, (one of the guy is blond and bautiful and he is like a chif in there and all the other guys realy like him and the guy who roommate with the blond guy is love him and all the guys is jealous him becouse he sleep with the blond guy). They work at the same job (something with gun and action and dangers and the other guy is allways protect the blond one... i think the first chepter is begin in that the blond guy is about to fall down in to a hole and almost give up but the other guy save him..
If you know the name of this mange please please help me find it thank you for your help "arigato gosimas" :)
