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Could someone please tell me?

Coo September 18, 2020 6:38 pm

I'm at chapter 4 right now... Someone, please tell me he doesn't keep his violent, self-entitled attitude.

He literally kicks the attendant the moment he gets out of that door without knowing his new body's circumstances. He even acknowledges that Kevin is a kid, then still feels the sadistic need to prove himself and kick the shit out of the kid?

He's hella petty and short-sighted for a supposed 'wise wizard' and it's grating on my nerves a little :')

Although, not to say that all old wizards need to be benevolent and wise... but I mean, they portrayed him as a wise wizard whom people loved enough to cry for him at his execution. I kind of (very much) thought he'd be a little wiser? Nicer at least?

...I'd like to know if he'll stay like that for the rest of this manga ( ̄∇ ̄")

    wonmil88 September 24, 2020 6:55 pm

    I kind of think differently about mc. He kicked his attendant because he saw that the attendant is looking down on him. Kevin is just the same case. The original body is despised in the family since he’s weak, so he decided to change that perception.
    I’m not sure about about wise, but he’s respected because he’s a hero who unify the continent. In a sense, his old self grows in the military and wars. Not really the typical kind wise old wizard. In later chapter, he’s shown to be very hardworking, very goal oriented too. He seems rude and mean, but he got plans which explained why he did it. He’s a pretty interesting character i guess lol

    Garmy October 27, 2020 12:07 am

    I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you’re a doormat shoujo mc

    Tipsy Spirit November 20, 2020 8:41 am
    I kind of think differently about mc. He kicked his attendant because he saw that the attendant is looking down on him. Kevin is just the same case. The original body is despised in the family since he’s weak... wonmil88