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Anonymous September 13, 2020 9:51 am

This story is just dragging and the girls won’t stop fighting.

Haesoo and Joowon are clearly in love and have been in love for a long time. They are also both prideful assholes and that causes them more issues than anything. If the issue was being related by marriage, by no fault of their own, they could have just continued dating after graduating and exited their family registry ( I know sounds easier than it actually is). But I really think there wouldn’t have been any hard feelings between the both of them had Joowon just been honest about how he felt instead of trying to protect Heeso by pushing him away. Heeso also could have forced the conversation but couldn't because he was scared of being rejected by his first love, so he just put up with whatever facade Joowon came up with to keep them close because he also wanted to stay close to Joowon.

Heeso is tired now and finding reprieve in TK but deep down he knows that he loves Joowon. He is just finally trying to live without loving him for the first time. Eventually when the dust settles, they’ll get back together because one thing is for sure, he doesn't love TK And TK doesn’t love him. It’s an experimental relationship and lowkey they are both hiding from their realities by escaping into this relationship. TK needs to learn how to truly love someone from a place of caring not obsessive curiosity. And Heeso needs to summon all his self confidence to finally go for what he truly wants and believe that he deserves what he desires instead of just accepting whatever is in front of him. When they break up, that’s the lesson they’ll learn from their time together.
