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I'm surprised that this was good. We are seeing another dimension to the Yaoi Genre. Wha...

alheab February 16, 2015 10:32 am

I'm surprised that this was good.
We are seeing another dimension to the Yaoi Genre.

What if another species could be loved or seen as somebody other than being pets or even tools.
It seems that Lica was fascinated with Zai 's special power of casting cast spells through his songs. His agility as a monster and his special power made him attractive which made him a good purchase/investment.
But else!! Is it love? Maybe, but it could the fact that having/owning something as strong as Zai made Lica fascinated by the fact that he owns that creature and that creature answers only to him.

If that was a serial, I would be more interested in how their relationship would progress
