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Alright fishhhhhh 4 out 5

Rosepainter September 12, 2020 1:54 pm

Jay, king, ace

Let's dive the fuck in this sorry ass review/hoe ass opinion of mine.

Ace- slightly obsessive but a idiot. He wants to be related by blood to become one with his adoptive brother. Aka a little incest never hurt no vampire? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Jay- this guy is pretty much a slut with fangs, very conflicted with his past, present and thoughts of the future. Think of him as a verse, bi, abusive slut puppy with feelings of love for king, and lust for ace. He is kinda taking his time allowing himself to be in love with ace.

King- well he's a literature masochists with a delusion of reality. He craves nothing more then to hear himself speak, sex with jay, and sex with ace (secretly). King loves his hair long because he likes the beyonce and britney moment of hairflips and windblown effect on his curls. He probably didn't die in my eyes in the fire, but instead he had crystallized and is now hunting for his next glamzon bitch on the runway (Kennedy Davenport joke). But this character is pretty old, and likes to be depended on by jay and ace. And secretly wanted a three way but with the jealousy of watching ace use him for his obsession with jay, and jay struggle with his slut ways. Kings reaction to this all was "bitch 300 years is a dam achievement you sluts have fun" in which that girl was set on fire.

Plot- quickly, impotent vampires, blood orgasming, the over use of the word pathos, lots of fire effects, hotels, cheating and random canyons. I thought it was a different take on vampires, what stopped me from giving it 5 stars is two reasons. 4 is better then 3. Add another vampire and your third man out feels better . Second to much drama with ace, this bitch and his obsession with jay is the center of the story. King D was sitting as a healer for the two most of the time. I was waiting for king to slap this shit out of ace every once in a while. But awkwardly jay did it because well, he's conflicted
