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This would have been good if yoshita was the uke and not the seme cause that just ruins th...

SuperYaoiQueen September 12, 2020 12:44 am

This would have been good if yoshita was the uke and not the seme cause that just ruins the mood

    Kanekiloverxoxo September 13, 2020 1:41 pm
    I never said I supported one side nor the other though lul. Tbh I couldn't care less about what people think, cause I have no right to judge them, nor do you. McFluffykins

    Like I said it’s called disagreeing, and silence in this scenario is as good as supporting.

    Kanekiloverxoxo September 13, 2020 9:38 pm
    i was never on their side, i literally said "i think it's more their dynamic rather than the gender stereotypes? you're so agro even though you have no idea why they would prefer one over the other. people are ... kimchiGOLD

    ok never said I wasn't passionate literally went on a rant about being passionate about this. and you know good for fucking you that you try to never curse at people, if in your perspective that seen as what a good person would do then that your opinion. but in mine cursing at people that insulted people first is 100% valid. do you think you better than me because you don't curse? because your not as aggressive and I am i'm suddenly a bad person? you think i'm angry? honey i may be using curse words but in my life those are just common words i use on day to day basis and some people get offended and others don't. i've been told a lot i sound angry but i'm not, just because i type something out on keyboard doesn't mean i'm fuming in real life. I think what that person said was offensive. and they DID say it would be better if the roles were reversed, "This would have been good if yoshita was the uke" that literally what they said. and I never once said that gays that fit the hetero-normative agenda don't get bashed, every gay will get bashed at some point in their life, thats just the state the worlds in but when some random person on this site says something like that they're not helping anybody and just adding to the problem. Also how am entitled? i've repeated over and over that i never said they were wrong, but i n my defense that person has not once made any effort on sharing their side. I'm not as stupid as i sound, since i can't see that persons face I don't actually know if they meant something different and text can easily be misinterpreted. I can't promise that i'd ever agree with what they'd say after the fact of explaining themselves but you never know. at this point they have absolutely no respect from me, and even if their comment was exactly as i interpreted it, how they said it was very agro in its own right. the "ruins the mood" comment is very disrespectful and demeaning, its implying that since this bottom was not the crossdressesr, feminine, or small that he thus ruins their sexual mood, aka a turn off. and hey when it comes to sexual preferences everyone's got their thing but you never bash on what other people are into (this took weird turn, what am i talking about again) anyway i really don't remember how i got arguing with you, but if i offended you, i'm sorry. the cursing really in an involuntary thing, but like i've said before that person i will not apologize to, they are rude and offensive to people. you may not see what they said as offensive but i do and thats my opinion. i think i took the right course of action when confronting them about it, hostile yes but thats how they came off to me in their initial comment. and even if you don't agree that's fine, to be honest debating people on the internet is something i do a lot soooo lol.

    Kanekiloverxoxo September 13, 2020 9:42 pm
    i was never on their side, i literally said "i think it's more their dynamic rather than the gender stereotypes? you're so agro even though you have no idea why they would prefer one over the other. people are ... kimchiGOLD

    oh wait lol i though you were that mcfluffykins person, oh well the apology on the cursing thing still stands for both